As of April 1 2023, all current Medicaid healthcare plan members will need to reverify eligibility for their insurance coverage. We encourage all of our clients to learn more here to ensure their health insurance is not interrupted.

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Danielle Bassil, PMHNP-BC


My ideal client as someone who is navigating complex emotional and psychological challenges. They may be struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, or other mood disorders that impact their daily functioning and quality of life. Their needs are multifaceted: they seek relief from distressing symptoms, understanding of their condition, and strategies to regain a sense of control and well-being. They may also desire a safe space to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

As a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, my specialty lies in understanding and treating mental health disorders. My ultimate goal is to provide wide-ranging care that integrates pharmacotherapy with psychotherapy techniques to address the diverse needs of my patients. What’s particularly intriguing is how mental health intersects with culture and spirituality, influencing therapeutic outcomes in unique ways. So, beyond conventional treatments, I explore these areas to tailor holistic care plans that fit individuals’ identities and beliefs.

Beyond my clinical expertise as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, I want my patients to know that I am deeply committed to providing compassionate and culturally sensitive care. I understand that navigating the mental health care system can be daunting, especially for those from diverse cultural backgrounds or who speak languages other than English.

Having fluency in Portuguese and conversational level Spanish allows me to effectively communicate with and support individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Additionally, through my extensive world travels, I have gained insights into how cultural backgrounds shape our perceptions of mental health and well-being. This understanding enables me to provide more personalized and culturally sensitive care. I value cultural humility, which means I approach each patient with an open mind., aiming to learn from their experiences and perspectives and together create a plan that fits their needs.