As of April 1 2023, all current Medicaid healthcare plan members will need to reverify eligibility for their insurance coverage. We encourage all of our clients to learn more here to ensure their health insurance is not interrupted.

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Komal Kaur, Mental Health Intern

Mental Health Intern

The Primary needs and goal for most clients in therapy include : To manage stress and difficult emotional, to manage anxiety, relieve from mental health symptoms such as depression, Bipolar or schizophrenia, enhancing self – esteem, understanding their own behaviors, dealing with traumatic situations or memories, processing grief, improving their quality of life, substance use treatment or other specific concerns.
Clients in Therapy want to feel heard and understood. Learn coping strategies to manage their symptoms, emotions and other problems. They want to share their life experiences without judgement. They seek a safe and secure environment to ask for help.

As a Therapist we can help the clients we serve by providing a safe environment, by actively listening & engaging with them, by understanding their perspectives without judgement, discuss their thoughts and let them openly express their feelings and emotions, explore treatment plans that works for the specific client, working to develop coping mechanisms strategies, help reduce the mental health symptoms by providing support & effective therapy.

I would like to keep the professional boundaries with the clients by establishing clear roles and responsibilities, communicating expectations to prevent misunderstanding.
I would also show empathy with clients in therapy by actively listening, maintaining a non-judgmental attitude, reflective listening and understanding their problems and behaviors.