As of April 1 2023, all current Medicaid healthcare plan members will need to reverify eligibility for their insurance coverage. We encourage all of our clients to learn more here to ensure their health insurance is not interrupted.

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Jenna Hill, MSW, C-IYAT

Social Worker

In addition to traditional talk therapy, I am am a Certified Yoga therapist and offer movement based/somatic therapy. I am culturally sensitive, sex-positive, and provide gender-affirming care. I enjoy working with all ages- teens, college students, adults.

I believe in creating a non-judgmental, safe, and authentic environment for everyone. I support the values of anti-racism, and anti-oppression and am an ally for individuals who are part of the LGBTQAI+ and marginalized communities.

Specialties: Grief, Sexual Trauma, Depression, Anxiety and Mood/Personality Disorders, Psychosis and Life Transitions